Acoustic IR

Battery powered amplifier/speaker list

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Brand ModelName Listprice Weight_lbs_ Weight_Kg_ SPL_sensitivity maxSPL Power XLR InstInput MonoLines Bluetooth XLRgain_sensitiv Jackgain_sensiti EQ TiltedPosition Polemount Woofer Tweeter Midrangespeakers Batteryvoltage Batterytechnology ACpowersupply Bandwidth DIOut FX MasterVolume AntiFeedback SubOut PhantomPower Picture
ACUS One for street - 33 15 92dB/W/m 108dB 80Wrms 1 XLR 2 jacks 1 line - gain pots gain pots 3 bands - Yes 6" Yes - 12v Lead acid standard IEC Hz - 20kHz XLR yes yes - - yes No Picture
AER compact mobile - 35.3 16 96dB/W/m 60Wrms 1 combo - - - gain pots gain pots 3 and 2 bands - No 8" dual cone - - 12v Lead acid standard IEC 0Hz - 18 kHz 60 XLR and jack yes yes yes - yes No Picture
Alto Busker 11.9 5.6 - 106dB 200Wpeak 2 combos 1 stereo yes Mic/Line Inst/Line 3 bands Yes Yes 1x6.5" 1" - 12V Li-ion standard IEC 60Hz - 20 KHz XLR+RCA yes yes no no yes No Picture
Bose S1 pro $599 15.5 7 - 109dB 103dB 2 combos 2 combos stereo ste yes 49dB 42dB 2 bands Hig Yes Yes int 6.5" - 3x2.25" 25v Li-ion standard IEC Hz - 16 kHz 50 jack yes - - - No No Picture
Bose S1 pro + wireless $699 14.4 6.5 - 109dB 103dB 2 combos 2 combos stereo ste yes+remote 49dB 42dB 2 bands Hig Yes Yes int 6.5" - 3x2.25" 25v Li-ion standard IEC Hz - 16 kHz 50 XLR yes - - - No No Picture
EAE M2-6 - 24 10.8 - 103 dB 30W 2 XLRs 1 jack 1 + stereo yes gain pots gain pots 3 bands Yes Yes 6.5" 1" silk - 12v Lead acid 12V DC ext. Hz ?20kHz 2 XLR + jack yes yes yes - yes No Picture
Electro-Voice Everse 8 $749 16.8 7.6 - 121dB - 2 combos 2 combos stereo yes+remote 42dB 42dB 3 bands +PEQ+GEQ Yes Yes 8" 1" - - (86.4 Wh) Li-ion standard IEC 60 Hz to 20 kHz XLR yes yes yes yes yes No Picture
Fishman Mini charge $499 21.2 9.6 - 108dB 60Wrms 1 1 stereo yes gain pots gain pots 3 bands 10? No 6.5" paper 1" soft dome - 12v Lead acid 12VDC external 80Hz ?20kHz XLR yes yes - - No No Picture
Harley Benton streetbox 60 € 298 8.8 4 - - 60Wrms 1 XLR 2 jacks stereo yes - 2 gain settings 3 bands No Yes 2x5.5" No - ? built in 24VDC ext. 80Hz - 20kHz no (weak) yes yes yes no no No Picture
HK audio Move 8 - 18.7 8.5 - 123dB 60W 2 combos 1 jack stereo yes - - 2 bands Yes Yes 1x8" 1" - 7.2V Li-ion 20V DC ext. 65Hz - 18 KHz mini jack yes yes no no no No Picture
JBL eon one compact $549 17.6 8 - 112dB - 2 combos 1 Hi-Z stereo yes +remote gain pots gain pots Bass, Treble,+8-band Master EQ Yes Yes 8" 1" - - - standard IEC 37.5 Hz - ? Jack yes yes no but 8-band Master EQ No yes No Picture
Laney AH4x4 - 14.3 6.5 97dB/W/m 117dB 35Wrms 2 combos 2 combos 2+stereo yes -40dBu -20dBu - With gigbag Yes - 3" silk neoD 4x4" 12v Li-ion 12V DC ext. 70Hz ?20kHz 70 jack yes yes yes yes yes No Picture
Laney Fresco - 15.4 7.2 - - 30Wrms 2 combos 2 combos stereo - - - 3 bands - - 8" dual cone - - 12v Li-ion 12V DC ext. 70 XLR yes yes yes - yes No Picture
LD system Maui 5 Go - 28.4 12.9 - 120dB 200W (800W) 1 combo 1 jack stereo (2x combos) yes - - h/woofer level egrated column 8" 4x3" 29.6v Li-ion standard IEC Hz - 20kHz XLR - yes - - No No Picture
Mackie Showbox - 20.9 9.5 - 122dB 400 Wpeak 2 XLRs 2 jacks stereo yes gain pots gain pots 3 bands Yes Yes 1x8" 1" - 14.8V Li-ion standard IEC 48Hz to 20kHz XLR yes yes yes no no No Picture
Mugig Mugig $129 8.8 4 - - 25W 1 combo - stereo yes - - 2 bands Yes Yes 8" 2" - - - - -6 jack yes yes - - - No Picture
Orange Crush acoustic 30 - 13.5 6.12 - - 30Wrms 1 combo 1 jack stereo no gain pots gain pots 3 and 2 bands Yes No 1x8" No - 15V 10x AA (LR6) NiMH 15V DC ext. - XLR and jack yes yes yes no yes No Picture
Roland AC-33 $399 10.375 4.7 - - 30W (20W) 1 combo 1 jack 1 line - -50dBu -20dBu 3 and 2 bands Yes No 2x5" - - 12v 8xAA NiMH 13VDC ext. - jack yes yes yes - No No Picture
Roland Cube street EX $499 16.375 7.4 - - 50W 2 combos 2 combos 2+stereo - -50dBu -10dBu 3 bands Yes Yes 2x8" 2x2" - 12v 8xAA NiMH 13VDC ext. - jack yes yes - - No No Picture
Roland BA330 - 30.5 13.8 - - 2x15W 2 x XLRs 2 jacks 4 - - - 1 tone/ch, 2 bands Yes Yes 4x5.5" Yes - 12v 8x AA (LR6) NiMH 12-15V DC ext. - 2 jacks yes yes yes - - No Picture
The box pro DSP 110 BP - 22 10.5 - 125dB 120Wrms (90Wbat) 2 combos stereo yes - - 3 bands No Yes 1x10" 1" - 26V Li-ion standard IEC 80Hz - 10kHz? XLR No yes no no no No Picture
Yamaha StagePass 200 BTR $849 27.6 12.5 - 125dB - 3 combos 3 combos stereo yes+remote Mic/Line Mic/Line Tone + App Yes Yes 8" 1" - 29.6 V (2700 mAh) Li-ion standard IEC 60 Hz – 20 kHz jack TRS yes yes - - yes No Picture
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